FIX Protocol Extension Packs

The FIX Protocol is updated and extended constantly. Rather than releasing new FIX versions from time to time, the Protocol evolves through Extension Packs, each produced by the Global Technical Committee based on requirements from FIX’s working groups and members, and published immediately. The term “FIX Latest” stands for the most recent version of the Protocol up to and including the latest Extension Pack.

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Extension Packs


EP271 - Errors and Omissions 2021 6.88 MB 382 downloads August 20, 2022

This extension pack addresses errors and omissions resolved in 2021. ...

EP270 - BeginString for FIX Latest 4.96 MB 206 downloads August 20, 2022

This extension pack clarifies the use of BeginString(8) and ApplVerID(1128) to identify the FIX session profile and application version of messages in FIX.Latest. ...

EP269 - Extension for Trade Compression 4.33 MB 314 downloads August 19, 2021

This extension pack includes support for bilateral and multilateral compression for portfolio and netted trades using the FIX Protocol. Revision History 9/1/2021 SPEC2515 - Fix error in name of value for...

EP268 - Market Model Typology v3.50 6.62 MB 208 downloads August 16, 2021

This extension pack includes additional trade flags needed to improve the overall post-trade transparency. Revision History 9/1/2021 SPEC2515 - Fix error in name of value for TrdSubType(829)=53(Trade submitted...

EP267 - Market Data Extensions 4.61 MB 172 downloads August 16, 2021

This extension pack includes enhancements needed to support market data types for changing market needs and new products’ data attributes. ...

EP266 - Unique Product Identifier 3.97 MB 248 downloads April 28, 2021

This extension pack includes support for internationally recognized Unique Product Identifier (UPI) for over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives. The UPI is required to be common across all G20 jurisdictions...

EP265 - Previous Quote Identifier 4.39 MB 250 downloads April 28, 2021

This extension pack is a follow up to Extension Pack EP253 Extensions for CAT/FIX Mapping to add the field RefOrderIDSource(1081) to the Quote(35=S) message as required for CAT. Revision History 2021-05-11...

EP264 - Extensions for CAT – Update 4.58 MB 229 downloads November 18, 2020

This extension pack provides additional support for data reporting required by CAT (Consolidated Audit Trail). EP253 already provided a significant number of extensions for CAT. A few of the enhancements...

EP263 - Regulatory Timestamps for Quotes 4.51 MB 189 downloads November 18, 2020

This extension pack includes support for repeating group of timestamps in quote messages. The TrdRegTimestamp component supports one or more timestamps related to trading and/or regulatory reporting....

EP262 - APAC Master SPSA 4.39 MB 160 downloads November 19, 2020

This extension pack includes additional sources for parties to support segregated accounts in the APAC region. The Master SPSA (Master Special Segregated Account) Service is an optional service introduced...

EP261 - RegulatoryReportType Extension 4.56 MB 347 downloads November 19, 2020

This extension pack includes additional support for CAT (Consolidated Audit Trail) event types. EP253 added RegulatoryReportType(1934) to a number of messages to convey the CAT event type. This extension...

EP260 - Application Version for FIX Latest 4.45 MB 173 downloads November 19, 2020

This extension pack adds an application version identifier for FIX Latest. This extension adds a new value 10="FIXLatest" (note that there is no space in the value) to ApplVerID(1128). FIX Latest is...

EP259 - Related Orders 4.68 MB 162 downloads November 19, 2020

This extension pack includes support for order aggregation on execution reports. This extension had originally been designed as a change to the OrderAggregationGrp component in the post-trade area and...

EP258 - Bilateral Repo Trade Post-Trade Enhancement 4.84 MB 210 downloads July 20, 2020

This extension pack initiated by the Repo Working Group includes improved support for bilateral repo trade and post-trade workflows related to life-cycle events like rollover, changing open repo terms,...

EP257 - Targeted Trade Advertisements 4.06 MB 496 downloads May 2, 2020

This extension pack improves the sourcing of contra flow whilst minimizing the cost of merchandizing with the addition of the RoutingGrp component to the Advertisement(35=7) message. Update History [Resolved...

EP256 - IIROC Client Identification Proposal 4.09 MB 109 downloads March 30, 2020

This extension pack addresses a small number of the new requirements introduced with Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) Rules Notice 19-0071 – Amendments Respecting Client...

EP255 - STO Exemption 4.08 MB 201 downloads March 12, 2020

This extension proposal addresses potential gaps in the FIX Protocol Standard due to changes caused by Brexit.  The enhancement includes exemption from Share Trading Obligation (STO) of an order.  Note,...

EP254 - EU Securities Financing Transactions Reporting (SFTR) 4.15 MB 170 downloads January 27, 2020

The EU Securities Financing Transactions Reporting Regulations (SFTR) requires reporting of financing transactions to be reported to ESMA, these transactions include repurchase agreements (repos), buy-sell...

EP253 - Extensions for CAT/FIX Mapping 907.89 KB 214 downloads December 24, 2019

This extension pack supports requirements identified by Consolidated Audit Trail (the “CAT”) Working Group related to data reporting required by Phase 2A (equities) of the CAT NMS Plan. All new tags...

EP252 - Liquidity Indicator Extension 3.26 MB 163 downloads November 14, 2019

This extension pack provides the ability to indicate an order neither added nor removed liquidity using the field LastLiquidityInd(851) = 0 (Neither added nor removed liquidity). ...