Frankfurt Regional Meeting 2024
The FIX Trading Community invites you to attend the Frankfurt Regional Meeting on Tuesday 24 September 2024, hosted by Commerzbank.
This event will bring together local market participants to discuss the issues and challenges impacting the electronic trading market in the region.
Join us from 3:00pm for a late afternoon session of panel discussions followed by networking drinks.
Panel Sessions include:
- German Market Structure: Present Realities and Future Directions
This session will cover the current and possible future state of German market structure. We will look at similarities and differences with other European markets, including the role of retail investors, asset allocation, financial market infrastructure and regulation. This panel will consider why things are as they are, the drivers for change and possible outcomes for the future.
- The Future of Digital Assets
Germany is leading the way in digital asset innovation, setting a benchmark for the integration of digital assets into the financial framework. Considering the importance of incorporating digital assets into both current and future financial systems, this panel will explore key local advancements such as tokenised bonds and crypto ETFs, as well as consider how FIX can support this evolution.