ITRS provides real-time monitoring & analytics software to financial services businesses to simplify their information into real-time actionable insight. ITRS is proud to provide solutions that over 170 leading global clients, including 9 out of the top 10 investment banks, as well as exchanges and trading venues, hedge funds, and brokers and vendors, use to transform masses of business and machine data into actionable insights, supporting better system and business performance.

ITRS Geneos is a real-time monitoring tool for managing increasingly complex and interconnected IT estates. Built for financial services and trading organisations, it collects a multitude of data relating to the performance of servers, infrastructure, connectivity and applications, analyses it to provide fresh information, and presents it in relevant, intuitive visualisations.

ITRS Insights is a streaming big data analytics platform that simplifies the complexity involved in analysing vast amounts of data at speed. Insights combines big data storage with a real-time computation engine and in-built machine learning and algorithms.