Carina Silberg

Carina Silberg, Head of Sustainability, Alecta

Carina Silberg was appointed Head of Sustainability at Alecta in March 2017 and is responsible for overseeing and advancing Alecta’s sustainability work. Prior to joining Alecta, Carina was a member of the Executive Management team at corporate communications advisory firm Hallvarsson & Halvarsson, heading its CSR and Sustainability practice. Other experiences include the role as Senior ESG analyst and Head of Engagement at GES Investment Services. Carina has a MSc in Business Administration.

 Carina Silberg represents Alecta in a number of initiatives including Swedish Investors for Sustainable Development (SISD) facilitated by Sida, and has worked alongside Magnus Billing in the EU HLEG on Sustainable Finance.

 Alecta manages occupational pension plans for 2.5 million people and 35,000 businesses across Sweden, assets under management are 900 bnSEK.