
EP227 Trade Reporting Extensions

This extension pack, initiated by the CME Group and the FIX Global Technical Committee, providing a collection of trade reporting enhancements, some of which are related to CFTC reporting requirements. Enhancements include adding new TrdSubType(829) values, new TradeHandlingInstr(1123) values, adding an ability to convey collateral amounts for a given trade in the TradeCaptureReport(MsgType=AE) message.


EP181 – Regulatory Trade Repository Reporting Extension

This Extension Pack includes enhancements in addition to those of EP179 to meet the requirements of the European Market Information Regulation (EMIR) for all clearing houses, dealers and trade participants to report all derivative transactions to Trade Repositories. On implementation of a Trade Repository, it was determined that additional extensions of the RegulatoryTradeIDGrp were needed...


EP179 European Trade Repository Reporting

This Extension Pack enhances the trade reporting capabilities to meet the requirements of the European Market Information Regulation (EMIR) for all clearing houses, dealers and trade participants to report all derivative transactions to Trade Repositories. The extension pack includes enhancements to the TradeCaptureReport(35=AE) and PositionReport(35=AP) messages, addition of the PartyRoleQualifier(2376) and new role qualifier values,...


FPL Recommended Standards for the Consolidation of Trade Reports and Market Data in Europe

This document details the recommended standards for the consolidation of trade reports and market data for European equity markets. These industry-driven recommendations mark an important milestone in the development of a European Consolidated Tape. The recommendations provide guidance, explaining how trade reports could be published in a standard manner to enable data to be more...