
Exactpro specializes in quality assurance services and related software development with focus on test automation for securities data distribution, trading systems, risk management, market surveillance and post-trade infrastructures. In May 2015 – January 2018, Exactpro was part of the Technology Services division of the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG). In January 2018, the founders of Exactpro completed a management buyout from LSEG. The Exactpro team has in-depth understanding of the technologies and business logic behind matching engines, smart order routing, algorithmic trading, order management, market data dissemination, straight-through processing, clearing and settlement for equities, fixed income, FX, listed and OTC derivatives. We have considerable experience working in ultra-low latency systems and FIX-based solutions. We collaborate with customers including investment banks, brokers, buy-side, technology vendors, clearing houses, depositories and execution venues. Founded in 2009, Exactpro operates in the UK and US, with significant functions in Eastern Europe. It currently employs over 550 people. Our motto is Build Software to Test Software. Effective test automation with wide coverage and focus on cost efficiency, maintainability and sustainability is one of the areas where we have seen success in the recent years.