Log2Orchestra upgrade to Version 1.2

Log2Orchestra is one of the tools related to the FIX Orchestra Technical Standard. It supports the automatic creation of an Orchestra XML file by using FIX engine logfiles as input. It is intended to be the starting point for someone who wants to benefit from FIX Orchestra and use it to build the meta-data representation for one or more FIX interface(s).

The tool parses the logfile(s) and retrieves not only standard FIX messages, fields and values but also any user-defined elements. For every FIX message type, it creates the superset of all fields found in any of the messages of that type. The input further requires a reference file that allows the tool to look up field names and other attributes for a given tag. The reference file can be any Orchestra XML file, including the official one from FIX representing FIX Latest for an Extension Pack. Your logfiles are not uploaded to FIX but processed on your local machine that has invoked the tool. You can specify the name of the resulting or output Orchestra XML file.

Enhancements provided with Version 1.2

The Log2Orchestra UI now provides an additional window showing warnings generated during the processing of the input logfile(s). Each warning displays the line number of the logfile and references the tag numbers when applicable. The warnings can also be saved as a file to your local environment.

A number of optimizations were made regarding the content of the Orchestra XML file. The main change is that default values of attributes and internal elements and attributes are no longer created. This affects the following:

  • Default value of attribute presence=”optional”
  • Default value of attribute supported=”supported”
  • Default value of attribute scenario=”base”
  • Internal attribute latestEP=”…”
  • Internal field attribute issue=”…”
  • Elements <category> and <section>
  • Attribute category=”…”

The various pedigree attributes (e.g. added, addedEP) are no longer copied from the reference file. The pedigree values in the FIX Latest reference file represent the history from a FIX point of view. Log2Orchestra is an aid to start the definition of an Orchestra XML file representing your FIX interface. The pedigree attributes may then be added to your initial Orchestra XML file to capture your versioning of this interface.

Bugfixes provided with Version 1.2

Log2Orchestra Version 1.1 transfers all datatypes from the reference file into the Orchestra XML file it creates. This resulted in redundant datatypes that are never used. Version 1.2 only transfers the datatypes required for the elements found in the logfiles.

Log2Orchestra Contributors

The FIX Global Technical Committee (GTC) invites FIX members to become contributors to the tools created for the membership. There is already a FIX Orchestra Working Group that maintains the FIX Orchestra Technical Standard and drives the business requirements for the related tools. The software for Log2Orchestra is not open-source and maintained in a private GitHub repository. If you are a FIX member participating in the FIX Orchestra Working Group and would like to actively contribute to the further development and testing of the software, you can request access to the GitHub repository and testing website. You will also be provided access to the Jira project used internally to track Log2Orchestra errors and enhancements.